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The Growth and Plankton Changes of Intensive Ecological Aquaculture Model of Pseudosciaena crocea

The Open Biotechnology Journal 14 Sept 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874070701509010157


The growth of Pseudosciaena crocea and changes of plankton were studied under intensive ecological aquaculture model that does not involve any change in water. The results indicated that: the growth rate of Pseudosciaena crocea was significantly higher than that in cage culture (p<0.05), the essential amino acids, flavor amino acids and total amino acids of Pseudosciaena crocea were significantly higher than that in cage culture(p<0.05), the PUFA and DHA、EPA of Pseudosciaena crocea were also significantly higher than that in cage culture(p<0.05). Plankton biomass of aquaculture water increased with the cultivation time. The diversity of phytoplankton was better in the early stage, the diversity index and evenness index decreased in the later stage, and the diversity of phytoplankton was poor at the end of the experiment. The diversity of zooplankton was better along with a slightchange in its diversity index and evenness index with the zooplankton being in an equilibrium state.

Keywords: Ecological aquaculture, Growth, Plankton, Pseudosciaena crocea.
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