Heavy Metal Tolerance and Removal Efficiencies by Soil Bacterial Strains: Effects of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources

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Heavy Metal Tolerance and Removal Efficiencies by Soil Bacterial Strains: Effects of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources

The Open Biotechnology Journal 10 Nov 2023 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/18740707-v17-e231005-2023-6



Several human activities contribute to the release of heavy metals into the environment, which constitutes a threat to the environment and human health; thus, there is a need for remediation of these metals.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of carbon and nitrogen sources on tolerance to lead, nickel and cadmium by soil bacterial strains. The effects of carbon, nitrogen sources and carbon-nitrogen ratio on the bacteria strains were also explored. A total of ten bacterial species, which comprise Yersinia enterocolitica (1), Alcaligenes faecalis (4), Bacillus cereus (2), Enterobacter cloacae (1) and Bacillus subtilis (2), were identified. The screening was carried out in minimal media using different carbon sources (sodium acetate, glucose, sucrose and maltose), nitrogen sources (yeast extract, peptone, tryptone and potassium nitrate) and carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios (5:5, 5:4, 5:3 and 5:2). Based on tolerance index, the optimal carbon and nitrogen sources were observed to be sodium acetate and potassium nitrate, respectively, while the C/N ratio varied across the isolates.

Results & Discussion:

At the end of the study, the tolerance index observed for cadmium, lead, and nickel ranged from 0.44 to 0.55, from 0.48 to 2.27 and from 0.19 to 1.95, respectively. Moreover, removal percentages that ranged from 12%-35%, 56%-97% and 79%-90% were observed for cadmium, lead and nickel, respectively, in the presence of the bacterial species.


The results showed the bacterial isolates' effectiveness in removing these heavy metals from the environment.

Keywords: Tolerance, Carbon source, Nitrogen source, C/N ratio, Remediation, Bacterial species, Heavy metals.


Modern activities such as urbanization and industrialization have greatly contributed to the release of heavy metals into the environment, resulting in their assemblage and distribution within the environment [1]. The release of these metals into the environment is also a grave risk to public health. Although heavy metal sources in the environment can also be from natural sources (weathering of rocks, volcanic eruptions, etc.) or from a man-made source, which may be from anthropogenic activities of man such as agricultural use of pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides, mining, paints, sewage sludge, solid waste disposal, burning of fossil fuels, etc. [2].

These anthropogenic sources highly contribute to introducing heavy metals into the environment since most of these activities generate waste that contains heavy metals that harm the environment and human well-being. They are incessant in the environment and can pollute and accumulate in the food web, thus causing health issues because of their toxic nature [3]. Soil contaminated with heavy metals may be dangerous to animals, humans, and the ecosystem via exposure routes such as direct contact or ingesting contaminated soil or contaminated groundwater [4]. Heavy metals lower food standards in terms of safety and marketability due to inhibited plant growth; they also reduce the number of available lands for agricultural purposes, which may result in problems of food insecurity [4].

Several conventional methods and processes, such as solvent extraction, ion exchange, oxidation-reduction, filtration, and chemical precipitation, have been developed to enable the removal/elimination of these metals from the environment, eliminating the risk to public health and improving environmental sustainability [5]. However, these conventional methods have their shortcomings as they are considered less effective, costly and lacking in removing low concentrations of heavy metals [6]. Some of these methods generate toxic by-products, such as sludge. Recent studies using microbial remediation (which involves the use of bacteria, algae, fungi, etc.) have proved to be very efficient in removing these heavy metals from the environment. This approach is considered environmentally friendly, of low cost, and effective in mitigating heavy metals to acceptable levels in the environment.

Microbial remediation is a bioremediation technique that uses microorganisms to remove heavy metals from the soil through oxidation, absorption, and precipitation processes. They possess metabolic abilities that enable them to use toxic compounds through metabolism, respiration and fermentation [7]. Several studies have used microorganisms such as Flavobacterium, Enterobacter, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Micrococcus,etc., to treat heavy metal-contaminated soil. For instance, Alcaligenes faecalis and Bacillus sp. have been used for remediating heavy metal-contaminated soil [8]. A study observed 70% and 75% removal efficiencies in cadmium reduction by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Alcaligenes faecalis [9]. The removal of heavy metals by bacterial strains can be influenced by the presence of carbon and nitrogen sources. Bacteria derive energy for growth and metabolic activities from carbon sources, while nitrogen sources provide bacteria with the production of enzymes and protein synthesis [8]. The type and concentration of carbon and nitrogen sources present in the medium can also enhance the heavy metal removal efficiencies of bacteria strains. Therefore, it is essential to select an optimal carbon and nitrogen source in order to enhance the removal efficiencies of heavy metals by bacterial strains. Therefore, This study aimed to isolate and screen indigenous soil bacteria for tolerance and removal of selected heavy metals in liquid media. The effects of carbon, nitrogen sources and carbon-nitrogen ratio on the bacteria strains were also explored.


2.1. Bacterial Isolation and Screening for Heavy Metal Tolerance and Removal

A total of 65 bacterial strains were isolated from soil samples within Afe Babalola University environs. Bacterial isolation was carried out using the standard pour-plating technique. Following isolation, representative colonies were streaked on nutrient agar plates and incubated at 37 °C for 24h to obtain pure cultures. The pure cultures were stored on nutrient agar slants at 4 °C ±2 °C until needed.

For preliminary screening for heavy metal tolerance and removal, lead, nickel, and cadmium were used in this study. Nutrient broth, supplemented with different concentrations (60 ppm, 90 ppm, 120 ppm, 150 ppm, 180 ppm, 210 ppm) of the respective metal salts (lead nitrate (Pb (NO3)2, Cadmium chloride hemihydrate (CdCl2. 21/2 H2O) and Nickel sulfate (NiSO4) was prepared and sterilized using an autoclave. After sterilization, 10mL of the respective metal concentrations were dispensed in 20mL capacity sterile universal bottles, inoculated with 0.5 mL of overnight grown pure cultures of the respective isolates (in duplicates), and incubated at 35 °C ±2 °C for 48h. At the expiration of incubation, the growth rate was read at 700nm using a UV/VIS Spectrophotometer and the residual metal concentration was determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The metal tolerance index (TI) and percent removal were estimated for each metal in the presence of the respective isolates.

Only 10 isolates that showed significant tolerance and removal of metals were identified and used for optimization studies.

2.2. Optimization for Tolerance and Removal Studies

Three parameters: carbon source, nitrogen source and carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) were optimized for in this study. The carbon sources used for investigation were glucose, maltose, sodium acetate and sucrose, while the nitrogen sources were potassium nitrate (KNO3), peptone, yeast extract and tryptone. The C/N ratios used were 5:5, 5:4, 5:3 and 5:2.

Optimization studies were carried out separately (for each of the carbon and nitrogen sources using the different C/N ratios stated above) in minimal media composed of carbon source (5 g/L), nitrogen source (2 g/L), magnesium sulphate (0.5 g/L), water (1 L) and heavy metal (150 mg/L). Neutral pH was used in this study. Following media preparation and sterilization, the respective isolates were used for inoculation and incubated at 35 °C ±2 °C for 96 h. At the expiration of incubation, the growth rate of the isolates and the residual concentration of metals in both the inoculated and uninoculated setups were determined to estimate the metal tolerance index and percentage of metal removal.

2.3. Characterization of Isolates

The isolates were characterized using the Sanger sequencing method. Isolate sequences were deposited in the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database, and Accession numbers from OQ383311 to OQ383320 were obtained.

2.4. Statistical Analysis

All statistical analyses were carried out using the SPSS statistical software (version 23.0). Comparison of means was determined using the One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test, while multiple comparison was determined using the Tukey Multiple Range test. All analyses were carried out at a 95% confidence interval.

Table 1.
Bacterial strains identified in the study.
Isolates Code Isolates Max Score Total Score Query Cover % Identity Accession
A Yersinia enterocolitica 2545 21787 99% 98.35% OQ383311
B Alcaligenes faecalis 2287 2287 99% 95.31% OQ383312
C Bacillus cereus 2263 2263 99% 98.01% OQ383313
D Alcaligenes faecalis 2619 2619 99% 99.86% OQ383314
E Bacillus subtilis 2143 2143 100% 97.99% OQ383315
F Enterobacter cloacae 2366 18878 98% 96.64% OQ383316
G Bacillus cereus 2468 2468 99% 99.49% OQ383317
H Alcaligenes faecalis 1668 1668 98% 99.56% OQ383318
I Alcaligenes faecalis 2459 7377 99% 97.82% OQ383319
J Bacillus subtilis 2586 2586 100% 98.57% OQ383320


3.1. Test Isolates

A total of ten bacterial species, which comprise Yersinia enterocolitica (1), Alcaligenes faecalis (4), Bacillus cereus (2), Enterobacter cloacae (1) and Bacillus subtilis (2), were identified (Table 1).

3.2. Effect of External Carbon Sources

In the presence of the respective carbon sources, the significantly highest tolerance index was observed for nickel in media that contained sodium acetate as its carbon source (p≤0.05); this observation was irrespective of the bacterial species. Across the respective isolates, the tolerance indices for nickel in the media that contained sodium acetate ranged between 0.50 and 1.42, observed in the presence of isolates F and A, respectively. In the case of the tolerance index for lead, significantly highest (p≤0.05) values were recorded in media that contained sodium acetate in the presence of most of the isolates, with the exception of isolates E and F, where the significantly highest tolerance values were recorded in media that contained maltose and glucose, respectively. In the case of cadmium, a significantly higher tolerance index was also observed in media that contained sodium acetate. This observation was also irrespective of the test isolates, except for isolate F, where the highest tolerance was observed in the media that contained glucose (Table 2).

With respect to removal of heavy metals, % removal ranged from 51.43 (Isolate C in media that contained glucose) to 88.43 (Isolate F in media that contained maltose), from 38.03 (Isolate J in media with glucose) to 88.60 (Isolate G in media with sucrose) and from 65.93 (Isolate E in media with glucose) to 92.03 (Isolate H in media with sucrose) were observed in presence of the test bacterial species for lead, cadmium and nickel, respectively. Generally, significantly (p≤0.05), the highest removal of lead was observed in media with sucrose (Isolates B, C, D, G and J), maltose (Isolates A, E, F and I) and glucose (Isolate H). Cadmium removal was, however, observed to be the highest in media containing sucrose (for Isolates A, C, D, G, H and J) and maltose (for Isolates B, E, F and I). In the case of nickel removal, significantly highest values were observed in media that contained sucrose (for Isolates A, B, E, F, G, H and J), acetate (for Isolates C and D) and maltose (for Isolates I) (Table 3).

Table 2.
Tolerance index to the test heavy metals in the presence of the respective isolates at different external carbon sources.
Bacterial Strains Carbon Sources
Glucose Maltose Acetate Sucrose
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 0.75±0.01a 0.31±0.00b 1.42±0.01c 0.34±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 0.35±0.00a 0.42±0.00b 0.89±0.01c 0.47±0.01d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 0.64±0.01a 0.49±0.01b 1.18±0.04c 0.09±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 0.23±0.00a 0.27±0.00b 0.58±0.01c 0.23±0.00a
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 0.64±0.01a 0.49±0.01b 1.18±0.04c 0.09±0.00d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 0.58±0.00a 0.27±0.00b 0.50±0.00c 0.26±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 0.42±0.00a 0.43±0.00b 0.79±0.00c 0.39±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 0.34±0.00a 0.40±0.00b 0.74±0.01c 0.35±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 0.47±0.00a 0.53±0.00b 0.74±0.00c 0.41±0.00d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 0.28±0.00a 0.53±0.01b 0.70±0.00c 0.50±0.01d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 0.86±0.01a 0.55±0.00b 2.01±0.02c 0.57±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 0.28±0.00a 0.94±0.00b 1.02±0.01c 0.79±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 0.52±0.00a 0.49±0.01a 1.18±0.04b 0.09±0.00c
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 0.25±0.00a 0.53±0.01b 0.78±0.01c 0.28±0.00d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 0.76±0.01a 1.00±0.01b 0.69±0.00c 0.51±0.00d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 0.71±0.01a 0.64±0.01b 0.67±0.00c 0.55±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 0.54±0.00a 0.56±0.01b 0.83±0.01c 0.93±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 0.43±0.00a 0.42±0.01b 0.75±0.00c 0.27±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 0.89±0.00a 0.68±0.00b 1.01±0.00c 0.52±0.01d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 0.62±0.01a 0.61±0.01a 0.82±0.01c 0.57±0.00d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 0.26±0.01a 0.08±0.00b 0.34±0.01c 0.12±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 0.18±0.00a 0.19±0.00b 0.32±0.00c 0.21±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 0.41±0.00a 0.20±0.00b 0.43±0.00c 0.08±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 0.10±0.00a 0.10±0.00a 0.23±0.00b 0.08±0.00c
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 0.39±0.01a 0.31±0.00b 0.44±0.00c 0.21±0.00d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 0.29±0.01a 0.11±0.00b 0.18±0.00c 0.13±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 0.28±0.00a 0.25±0.00b 0.46±0.00c 0.25±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 0.23±0.00a 0.19±0.00b 0.47±0.00c 0.20±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 0.28±0.00a 0.24±0.00b 0.30±0.00c 0.15±0.00d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 0.29±0.00a 0.29±0.01a 0.40±0.00b 0.24±0.00c
Note: All values are averages of duplicate analysis. Across rows, superscripts with similar and different letters represent no significant and significant differences, respectively.
Table 3.
Heavy metal removal in the presence of the respective isolates at different external carbon sources.
Bacterial Strains Carbon Sources
Acetate Glucose Sucrose Maltose
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 76.10±0.27a 66.60±0.08b 86.60±0.23c 81.57±0.04d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 80.67±0.00a 83.50±0.04b 88.10±0.12c 78.93±0.23d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 88.27±0.08a 72.23±0.27b 79.13±0.23c 75.40±0.08d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 82.87±0.54a 69.60±0.31b 82.07±0.23c 79.13±0.08d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 75.40±0.23a 65.93±0.15b 83.67±0.38c 80.57±0.12d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 87.17±0.19a 81.73±0.31b 90.87±0.15c 74.63±0.19d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 79.50±0.19a 72.27±0.31b 81.83±0.04c 73.77±0.12d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 84.80±0.15a 84.97±0.04a 92.03±0.12b 82.43±0.27c
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 81.90±0.04a 72.43±0.27b 79.47±0.23c 87.23±0.12d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 79.10±0.27a 69.43±0.27b 81.83±0.19c 75.23±0.12d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 61.03±0.19a 58.53±0.62b 73.27±0.31c 87.73±0.31d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 57.37±0.04a 73.73±0.31b 79.27±0.08c 65.17±0.42d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 65.70±0.27a 51.43±0.27b 80.47±0.23c 79.33±0.15d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 58.27±0.31a 61.60±0.31b 71.67±0.23c 61.80±0.23b
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 67.20±0.15a 67.93±0.15b 61.23±0.12c 88.43±0.12d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 55.80±0.23a 64.63±0.19b 68.60±0.23c 77.63±0.27d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 76.37±0.04a 67.50±0.35b 81.00±0.38c 66.40±0.15d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 58.57±0.12a 82.23±0.04b 70.83±0.19c 75.20±0.15d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 64.77±0.12a 70.27±0.31b 61.63±0.27c 83.13±0.23d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 66.60±0.08a 58.83±0.12b 76.33±0.38c 71.57±0.19d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 79.13±0.15a 48.33±0.23b 87.30±0.04c 76.90±0.27d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 61.63±0.27a 43.60±0.31b 76.33±0.38c 77.97±0.12d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 75.83±0.27a 64.93±0.31b 81.70±0.35c 74.90±0.12d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 73.87±0.15a 72.53±0.23b 87.30±0.19c 56.90±0.27d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 66.23±0.27a 66.23±0.27a 71.80±0.54b 72.43±0.19c
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 81.27±0.15a 61.80±0.23b 77.77±0.12c 59.17±0.19d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 70.17±0.19a 80.30±0.19b 88.60±0.23c 64.63±0.19d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 59.00±0.38a 68.60±0.08b 77.37±0.12c 51.33±0.15d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 81.40±0.15a 59.17±0.27b 80.33±0.15c 65.67±0.38d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 58.90±0.27a 38.03±0.19b 65.27±0.69c 59.87±0.15d
Note: All values are averages of duplicate analysis. Across rows, superscripts with similar and different letters represent no significant and significant differences, respectively.

3.3. Effect of External Nitrogen Sources.

In the different nitrogen sources used in this experiment, the highest tolerance index observed in the lead was the media containing potassium nitrate, which ranged between 0.19 and 1.71, observed in bacterial species B and A. For cadmium, the significantly highest (p≤0.05) values were observed in media containing potassium nitrate (0.68) in the presence of isolate G. In the case of nickel, the lowest and highest tolerance index values of 0.17 and 2.58 were observed in media containing peptone and potassium nitrate, respectively (Table 4).

Table 4.
Tolerance index to the test heavy metals in the presence of the respective isolates at the different external nitrogen sources.
Bacterial Strains Nitrogen Sources
KNO3 Peptone Yeast Extract Tryptone
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 2.58±0.02a 0.30±0.00b 0.36±0.00c 0.47±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 1.19±0.24a 0.17±0.00b 0.70±0.00c 0.29±0.00b
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 1.38±0.01a 0.34±0.00b 0.66±0.00c 0.33±0.00b
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 1.39±0.02a 0.29±0.00b 0.74±0.00c 0.33±0.01d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 1.08±0.00a 0.26±0.01b 0.72±0.01c 0.45±0.01d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 1.77±0.01a 0.41±0.00b 0.77±0.00c 0.33±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 1.37±0.01a 0.37±0.01b 0.58±0.01c 0.27±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 1.21±0.00a 0.25±0.00b 0.60±0.00c 0.22±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 1.96±0.02a 0.40±0.00b 0.62±0.00c 0.34±0.01d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 1.12±0.03a 0.55±0.00b 0.61±0.00c 0.42±0.00d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 1.71±0.01a 0.75±0.01b 0.64±0.01c 1.40±0.02d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 0.19±0.05a 0.58±0.00b 0.43±0.00c 0.88±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 0.90±0.02a 0.79±0.00b 0.54±0.01c 1.00±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 1.04±0.01a 0.60±0.00b 0.50±0.01c 0.63±0.01d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 1.00±0.00a 1.02±0.00b 0.47±0.01c 0.72±0.01d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 1.25±0.01a 0.79±0.00b 0.42±0.00c 0.63±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 0.89±0.00a 0.96±0.00b 0.54±0.00c 1.22±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 0.91±0.01a 0.68±0.00b 0.74±0.00c 0.77±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 1.36±0.01a 0.92±0.00b 0.54±0.00c 0.67±0.01d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 0.94±0.02a 1.64±0.01b 0.69±0.01c 0.59±0.00d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 0.38±0.00a 0.46±0.00b 0.10±0.00c 0.06±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 0.16±0.04a 0.37±0.00b 0.51±0.00c 0.08±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 0.31±0.02a 0.44±0.00b 0.21±0.00c 0.09±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 0.23±0.02a 0.55±0.00b 0.15±0.00c 0.05±0.00d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 0.23±0.00a 0.44±0.00b 0.33±0.01c 0.12±0.01d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 0.25±0.01 0.31±0.00b 0.19±0.01c 0.04±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 0.68±0.00a 0.30±0.01b 0.36±0.00c 0.06±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 0.55±0.01a 0.29±0.01b 0.45±0.01c 0.09±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 0.60±0.01a 0.16±0.00b 0.60±0.01a 0.06±0.00c
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 0.42±0.01a 0.18±0.00b 0.10±0.01c 0.12±0.00d
Note: All values are averages of duplicate analysis. Across rows, superscripts with similar and different letters represent no significant and significant differences, respectively.

As regards the removal of heavy metals by bacterial species, the removal percentage ranged between 49.43 (isolate G in media containing peptone), and 77.63 (isolate E in media containing potassium nitrate), 34.77 (isolate H in media containing tryptone) and 83.17 (isolate A in media containing yeast extract), 51.43 (isolate C in media containing peptone) and 90.20 (isolate F in media containing yeast extract) in lead, cadmium and nickel correspondingly. Significantly (p≤0.05), the highest removal of lead was observed in media with potassium nitrate (for isolates A, B, D, E, F, H, and J), peptone (isolate C), tryptone (isolates G and J). Moreover, the removal of cadmium was observed to be significantly highest in media with yeast extract in all test isolates, excluding isolate E, which was in tryptone. For removal in nickel, the significantly highest values were observed in media containing yeast extract for all test isolates (Table 5).

Table 5.
Heavy metal removal in the presence of the respective isolates at the different external nitrogen sources.
Bacterial Strains Nitrogen Sources
KNO3 Peptone Yeast Extract Tryptone
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 58.83±0.19a 86.30±0.04b 59.57±0.50c 67.67±0.23d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 72.23±0.27a 83.33±0.15b 64.23±0.27c 74.47±0.54d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 59.83±0.19a 85.70±0.27b 51.43±0.27c 74.03±0.42d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 63.23±0.65a 86.17±0.19b 59.50±0.58c 72.50±0.19d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 71.70±0.19a 83.07±0.46b 61.93±0.08c 74.47±0.23d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 65.67±0.23a 90.20±0.23b 69.93±0.31c 83.33±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 68.30±0.27a 86.33±0.23b 57.73±0.15c 79.07±0.15d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 59.00±0.38a 88.30±0.12b 67.63±0.27c 73.87±0.15d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 63.93±0.23a 85.53±0.15b 65.30±0.27c 72.33±0.15d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 59.40±0.31a 83.63±0.27b 59.07±0.31a 73.20±0.15c
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 75.73±0.15a 66.90±0.19b 70.47±0.23c 65.63±0.27d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 74.33±0.38a 68.17±0.12b 60.60±0.31c 67.33±0.38d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 65.57±0.27a 67.63±0.35b 69.67±0.38c 61.90±0.19d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 76.43±0.04a 65.87±0.38b 57.97±0.19c 75.77±0.27d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 77.63±0.27a 66.03±0.19b 58.93±0.23c 64.63±0.27d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 71.43±0.27a 67.40±0.31b 52.93±0.31c 59.20±0.15d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 65.37±0.19a 67.73±0.46b 49.43±0.42c 68.23±0.19b
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 72.40±0.31a 61.90±0.12b 60.17±0.04c 61.27±0.08d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 75.40±0.23a 61.00±0.23b 65.50±0.19c 75.13±0.23a
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 66.53±0.15a 65.37±0.42b 51.53±0.23c 67.00±0.23d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 51.90±0.65a 83.17±0.58b 58.47±0.54c 73.03±0.19d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 64.63±0.19a 66.57±0.12b 50.93±0.31c 61.60±0.23d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 59.60±0.23a 81.80±0.23b 59.43±0.27c 64.17±0.19d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 68.27±0.31a 78.67±0.23b 60.33±0.23c 72.43±0.12d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 57.87±0.15a 61.17±4.04bc 59.27±0.08ac 65.80±0.23d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 61.53±0.23a 71.77±0.12b 49.93±0.15c 54.53±0.54d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 63.00±0.38a 80.77±0.12b 58.33±0.38c 51.60±0.31d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 50.70±0.19a 70.93±0.15b 46.63±0.27c 34.77±0.27d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 64.53±0.15a 75.10±0.27b 61.23±0.50c 39.50±0.19d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 71.07±0.46a 73.83±0.19b 49.93±0.08c 57.33±0.31d
Note: All values are averages of duplicate analysis. Across rows, superscripts with similar and different letters represent no significant and significant differences, respectively.

3.4. Effect of Different Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio

Generally, the tolerance indices of the isolates to test heavy metals at the respective carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios varied for the different metals, which could be a result of the different metabolic capabilities of the isolates; this observation was irrespective of heavy metals. Except for isolates C, E, G, and I, a significantly higher tolerance index to nickel was observed at C/N ratios of 5:2 and 5:3 for most of the isolates. However, significantly (p≤0.05), the highest tolerance index for lead was observed at a C/N ratio of 5:2 for isolates A, C, G, H, and J. For cadmium, significantly (p≤0.05), the highest tolerance index was observed at C/N ratios of either 5:5 or 5:4 for isolates A, C, E, F, H, I, and J. (Table 6).

In the case of nickel removal in the presence of the isolates, the significantly highest values were recorded in medium with a C/N ratio of 5:5, except for isolates B and J, where removal was observed to be significantly highest at CN ratios of 5:2 and 5:3, respectively. Similarly, the removal of lead in the presence of the isolates showed significantly higher values at C/N ratios of 5:5 or 5:4. For the removal of cadmium, the highest removal was observed at C/N ratios of 5:5 for isolates B, C, E, H, and J (Table 7).

Table 6.
Tolerance index to the test heavy metals in the presence of the respective isolates at different carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios.
Bacterial Strains C/N
5:5 5:4 5:3 5:2
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 0.19±0.00a 0.16±0.00b 0.26±0.01c 0.21±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 0.14±0.00a 0.19±0.00b 0.28±0.00c 0.45±0.01d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 0.21±0.01a 0.32±0.00b 0.20±0.00a 0.17±0.03c
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 0.48±0.00a 0.43±0.00b 0.80±0.00c 0.43±0.00b
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 0.29±0.00a 0.20±0.00b 0.21±0.00c 0.23±0.00d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 0.34±0.00a 0.26±0.00b 0.35±0.01c 0.31±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 0.46±0.01a 0.19±0.00b 0.20±0.00c 0.21±0.00c
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 0.19±0.00a 0.43±0.00b 0.41±0.00c 0.95±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 0.68±0.00a 0.49±0.00b 0.49±0.00b 0.57±0.01c
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 0.20±0.00a 0.32±0.00b 0.43±0.00c 0.38±0.01d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 0.53±0.01a 0.32±0.00b 0.26±0.00c 0.55±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 0.75±0.01a 0.66±0.01b 0.60±0.01c 0.62±0.01d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 1.16±0.02a 1.35±0.00ab 1.21±0.01a 1.51±0.27b
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 0.56±0.00a 0.77±0.00b 0.55±0.00c 0.61±0.00d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 1.10±0.02a 1.05±0.00b 0.70±0.00c 1.08±0.01a
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 0.61±0.00a 0.91±0.00b 0.76±0.01c 0.83±0.00d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 1.52±0.01a 1.10±0.00b 1.02±0.00c 1.67±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 0.96±0.01a 0.78±0.00b 0.68±0.00c 1.01±0.01d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 0.76±0.00a 0.89±0.00b 0.54±0.00c 0.75±0.00d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 0.54±0.00a 0.79±0.00b 0.58±0.00c 0.95±0.00d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 0.12±0.00a 0.07±0.01b 0.07±0.00b 0.09±0.00c
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 0.08±0.00a 0.08±0.00ac 0.06±0.00b 0.08±0.00c
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 0.32±0.01a 0.16±0.00b 0.17±0.00b 0.22±0.04c
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 0.60±0.00a 0.73±0.01b 0.49±0.00c 0.79±0.00d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 0.23±0.01a 0.32±0.01b 0.30±0.00c 0.18±0.00d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 0.50±0.00a 0.72±0.00b 0.56±0.00c 0.21±0.01d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 0.67±0.00a 0.58±0.00b 0.60±0.00c 0.72±0.00d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 1.02±0.01a 0.55±0.02b 1.02±0.01a 0.87±0.00c
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 0.70±0.00a 0.48±0.00b 0.41±0.00c 0.36±0.01d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 0.50±0.00a 0.50±0.00a 0.33±0.00b 0.45±0.01c
Note: All values are averages of duplicate analysis. Across rows, superscripts with similar and different letters represent no significant and significant differences, respectively.

Table 7.
Heavy metal removal in the presence of the respective isolates at different carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios.
Bacterial Strains C/N
5:5 5:4 5:3 5:2
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 74.10±0.27a 68.63±0.27b 59.10±0.12c 67.20±0.15d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 65.30±0.19a 67.10±0.12b 59.00±0.38c 71.83±0.35d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 61.43±0.27a 57.87±0.15b 39.47±0.23c 41.30±0.12d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 74.63±0.27a 50.33±0.38b 64.47±0.23c 48.33±0.23d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 67.47±0.08a 31.43±0.69b 56.90±0.27c 41.63±0.04d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 59.33±0.00a 50.73±0.31b 56.87±0.23c 35.00±0.15d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 51.10±0.04a 47.50±0.19b 44.00±0.15c 50.37±0.19d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 59.30±0.19a 46.27±0.31b 45.60±0.23c 50.33±0.38d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 57.37±0.27a 47.57±0.12b 39.80±0.23c 45.50±0.27d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 47.50±0.12a 43.60±0.08b 49.23±0.12c 36.40±0.15d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 83.03±0.27a 77.10±0.27b 72.17±0.19c 68.33±0.23d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 86.93±0.15a 79.50±0.19b 73.03±0.12c 67.63±0.27d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 92.50±0.19a 88.00±0.15b 73.23±0.12c 79.20±0.15d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 84.90±0.12a 64.83±0.19b 73.77±0.27c 59.37±0.27d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 85.60±0.15a 79.13±0.08b 65.20±0.23c 51.70±0.12d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 79.87±0.15a 79.13±0.23b 73.67±0.15c 61.20±0.23d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 87.23±0.12a 85.87±0.15b 73.77±0.27c 59.00±0.23d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 79.43±0.27a 82.33±0.38b 73.03±0.12c 60.93±0.31d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 87.93±0.15a 78.13±0.15b 39.80±0.23c 60.43±0.12d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 79.10±0.27a 80.37±0.12b 77.03±0.04c 67.30±0.19d
Yersinia enterocolitica (OQ383311) 77.77±0.12a 83.53±0.23b 78.90±0.19c 88.33±0.38d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383312) 77.77±0.27a 73.50±0.19b 74.03±0.19c 71.83±0.58d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383313) 82.07±0.23a 72.50±0.04b 63.57±0.19c 59.60±0.23d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383314) 74.97±0.12a 73.93±0.08b 63.97±0.27c 75.43±0.27d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383315) 81.70±0.35a 72.30±0.04b 66.27±0.15c 68.83±0.12d
Enterobacter cloacae (OQ383316) 71.93±0.08a 66.90±0.12b 72.57±0.12c 72.13±0.15d
Bacillus cereus (OQ383317) 73.80±0.08a 72.30±0.19b 74.10±0.12a 77.00±0.38c
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383318) 69.87±0.15a 66.57±0.12b 65.93±0.08 60.60±0.23d
Alcaligenes faecalis (OQ383319) 65.00±0.38a 70.97±0.19b 62.33±0.08c 59.20±0.15d
Bacillus subtilis (OQ383320) 70.83±0.04a 67.07±0.08b 63.07±0.46c 61.00±0.23d
Note: All values are averages of duplicate analysis. Across rows, superscripts with similar and different letters represent no significant and significant differences, respectively.


The bacterial strains in this study showed significantly high tolerance to the test metals in media containing sodium acetate as a carbon source. With respect to the removal of heavy metals, higher removal efficiencies were reported in media that contained sucrose as a carbon source in the presence of most of the isolates. The higher removal efficiency of the metals observed in the presence of sucrose as a carbon source could result from its complexation capacity. It is hypothesized that since sucrose is a complex and larger molecule, it possesses more functional groups that enable complexation, which enables adequate binding to the metal ions that may ease metal removal by a microbe [10]. A similar observation has been reported by earlier workers [11]. The addition of external carbon sources is reported to have improved the biological nutrient removal processes, as the type of carbon added showed a different removal pattern [11]. In addition, previous investigators have reported sucrose as a carbon source that is easily utilized by microorganisms [12].

Similarly, the use of acetate as a preferred carbon source has been reported in related studies [11, 13, 14]. Another previous study [15] reported that high tolerance and high removal efficiency by Acinetobacter sp. was observed in media grown with sodium pyruvate, sodium citrate and sodium acetate when used as a carbon source; the study also reported low removal efficiency in media containing sucrose and glucose. The different variations in tolerance and removal patterns of the isolates in the respective carbon sources may be due to their metabolic and biochemical capabilities [16]. It is indicated that the absence of a carbon source resulted in no positive influence on the removal or reduction of chromium [16].

In a study on the effects of carbon sources on Cr (VI) reduction [17] in the presence of P. aeruginosa AB93066 in nutrient broth, the order of preference was glucose > glycerine > butyric alcohol > citric acid > sodium acetate >oxalic acid > lactose > sucrose > methanol > and phenol. It is hypothesized that since glucose is a readily oxidized carbon source, it could serve as a good electron donor [18]. Moreover, a related study on heavy metal tolerance and removal by Acinetobacter sp. SCYY-5 [19] reported that the preferred order of tolerance to metals at different carbon sources was citrate, followed by soluble starch > glucose > fructose > lactose > sucrose.

In this study, potassium nitrate was observed as an ideal nitrogen source for tolerance to the test metals, while the highest removal efficiencies were observed in media that contained yeast extract in the presence of the majority of the isolates. The higher tolerance but lower removal efficiency of the metal observed in media with potassium nitrate could be attributed to the prioritization of the production of energy from nitrate reduction over metal removal. It could also be attributed to decreased binding of nitrate ions to the metal, which could lead to decreased metal removal [20]. Meanwhile, high removal efficiency in media containing yeast extract could probably be a result of yeast extract being readily utilized as an organic nitrogen source by the isolates, unlike potassium nitrate, which requires the nitrate reductase enzyme in converting nitrate into ammonium for the metabolism of nitrogen [21]. Furthermore, yeast extract has been found to contribute to the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by bacteria, thereby enhancing heavy metal removal efficiency due to the EPS binding to the heavy metal ions [22]. Previous studies have also shown a 25%-50% reduction in Cr (VI) when grown in yeast extract media [16].

In a study by Murugavelh and Mohanty [19], a 96.7% reduction of Cr (VI) was reported when yeast extract was used as a nitrogen source at a concentration of 5 g/L in media. However, another study reported ammonium nitrate as the optimal nitrogen source compared to other nitrogen sources, such as potassium nitrate, yeast extract, peptone, urea, and sodium nitrate [23]. Similarly, a related study [24] reported the highest lead and cadmium removal by Stenotrophomonas koreensis in media that contained potassium nitrate as a nitrogen source. Other authors have reported the nitrogen utilization rate to be ammonium chloride < ammonium sulfate < potassium nitrate < yeast extract < L-glutamic acid [18].

With respect to the C/N ratio, variations were observed in the tolerance indices of the isolates to the test metals. Higher metal removal was observed in media with C/N 5:5. In a study [25] on the heavy metal remediation potential of landfill soil bacterial isolates, it was indicated that medium supplemented with carbon source concentrations of 4-6 g/L enhanced heavy metal remediation potential of Klebsiella edwardsii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter cloacae. It is reported [26] that a lower C/N ratio favors removal by isolates as they consume carbon more than nitrogen. Xu et al. [28] indicated that higher metal removal efficiencies were recorded

at a C/N ratio of 5:1. It is opined [27] that a higher C/N ratio could stimulate intense biological metabolism. Existing studies also state that the C/N ratio varies as it depends on the nature of the species and their ability to metabolize the nitrogen source in a medium [21].

In a related study by Ali et al. [29], a C/N ratio of 3:1 was reported as optimum for metal removal. The carbon/nitrogen ratio is reported to influence the composition and concentration of metabolites in bacteria and also influence the metabolic capabilities of microbes [30-32]. Yuncu et al. [33] indicated that the heavy metal sorption capacity varied with the C/N ratio, which could result from the different biosorption capabilities of the microorganisms used. A lower C/N ratio increased the biosorption capacity of Cu (II), while a high C/N ratio increased the biosorption capacity of Cd (II). The study further reports that the lowest and highest Zn (II) capacities were observed at a C/N ratio of 4:3 and 2:1, respectively [33].


From the findings of this study, 10 out of the 65 bacterial strains isolated showed significant tolerance and removal to the test metals lead, cadmium and nickel. The extent of heavy metal tolerance and removal potential in the presence of the test isolates depends on the carbon source, nitrogen source, and C/N ratio. Although tolerance to metals was observed when the different carbon sources were used, the significantly highest tolerance index was recorded in media that contained sodium acetate as the carbon source in the presence of most of the isolates. The significantly high tolerance to sodium acetate was probably due to the production of metal-chelating substances.

In the case of nitrogen sources, the highest tolerance to the test metals was observed in media containing potassium nitrate in the presence of most of the isolates. However, the significantly highest lead removal was observed in media containing potassium nitrate, while cadmium and nickel removal was significantly highest in media containing yeast extract. Generally, C/N ratios did not follow any visible trend with respect to tolerance and removal of metals in the presence of the bacterial species. This, therefore, shows that the effects of carbon and nitrogen sources, the C/N ratio in remediation of heavy metal, depend on the isolate type and the heavy metal. The effects of these factors directly influence the metabolic pathways, enzymatic activities and growth rate of the bacterial test species, thus enhancing the biosorption capacities of the test metals. Overall, the potential of the isolates in the remediation of heavy metal-polluted environments could be further exploited and enhanced by carefully selecting these factors, thereby contributing to environmental sustainability.


AAS = Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
TI = Tolerance index
NCBI = National Centre for Biotechnology Information
ANOVA = Analysis of Variance
EPS = Extracellular polymeric substances


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


All the data and supportive information is available within the article.




The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.


The authors are grateful to Afe Babalola University for providing facilities for the study.


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