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Sulfur Contamination and Environmental Effects: A Case Study of Current SO2 Industrial Emission by Biomonitoring and Regional Post-mining hot-spots

The Open Biotechnology Journal 27 Aug 2021 REVIEW ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874070702115010082


The presence of sulfur in the environment is an important macroelement for plant growth but becomes harmful in excessive amounts. The previous century saw rising levels of high SO2 concentrations (stemming from fossil fuel combustion) and wet deposition from acid rain, causing the intensification of forest die-back. Air pollution can be controlled or measured by biomonitoring. Despite recent reductions in SO2 emissions, urban and industrial areas are still at risk from high sulfur contamination. Open-cast lignite and sulfur borehole mining play a pivotal role in the regional scale of ecosystem contamination and acid mine drainage. Consequently, these aspects are unique for assessing the impact of extreme S contamination on soil properties changes, the vegetation effect, and biogeochemical cycles. We presented i) current SO2 pollution based on S concentration in pine needles, and ii) a comprehensive study of soil properties, as well as plant reactions to excessive sulfur concentration in the restored forest ecosystem of a former sulfur mine.

Keywords: Sulfur, Sulfurous soil, Reclamation, Soil contamination, Air pollution, Water contamination.
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