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Study of Intelligent Agricultural Cultivation Management Plan Model Based on Geographic Information System

The Open Biotechnology Journal 14 Sept 2015 RETRACTED ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874070701509010150


Management plan model of agricultural planting information technology research and application of design system for agricultural production and digital has important theoretical and practical significance of agricultural planting. The study concluded, extracted the relevant agricultural planting design theory and technology research based on the show, applying the system analysis principle and mathematical modeling technique, the construction and perfection of the cropping system, ecological regionalization, precision farming and productivity of quantitative analysis of the agricultural planting management knowledge model, by using the technology of software component, with GIS as spatial information management platform, the establishment of the digital system design based on GIS and model plant. The system has realized the design of cropping system of regional cropping information standardization management and different levels of for the realization of crop planting design, quantitative and digital laid the foundation.

Keywords: Internet of things, agriculture, agricultural planting management plan, geographic information system.
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