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Consumer’s Risk Perception of Genetically Modified Food and its Influencing Factors: Based on the Survey in Jiangsu Province, China

The Open Biotechnology Journal 31 December 2014 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/187407070140801030


Safety has always been the focus of debate on genetically modified food (GMF). To understand consumers’ risk perception of GMF and its influencing factors, this study investigated 300 consumers from 6 cities in Jiangsu province, China by questionnare. The data were analyzed by using independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and principal component analysis. The results showed that most consumers worried about the safety of GMF and hoped GMF to be labeled with identity; meanwhile, their purchase intention of GMF was not high. Some of consumer characteristics including gender, education background, personal annual income, and with at least one child under 18, significantly influenced their risk perception of GMF. Furthermore, the main factors significantly influencing the consumers’ risk perception of GMF were as follows in order of influence degree: health risks (0.386), ecological risk (0.187), and social risk (0.163). Consequently, the government should strengthen the popularization of scientific knowledge on genetically modified technology as well as GMF and simutaneously reinforce standardized management of GMF label.

Keywords: Consumers , genetically smodified food, risk perception, factor analysis.
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