Cytotoxic Activity of CD48 Monoclonal Antibodies Against Human Lymphoma Cells

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Cytotoxic Activity of CD48 Monoclonal Antibodies Against Human Lymphoma Cells

The Open Biotechnology Journal 04 Aug 2008 REVIEW ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874070700802010219


CD48 is a cell surface, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked glycoprotein, and a potential target for treatment of leukemia and lymphoma. Two anti-CD48 mAbs, murine HuLy-m3 and human IgG1-N2A, were compared in cellular assays using a human lymphoma cell line (Raji) for their ability to inhibit cell growth and induce apoptosis. In vitro studies revealed both HuLy-m3 and IgG1-N2A mAbs were able to induce potent growth inhibition, reflected by a reduction in viable cells of approximately 70% compared to controls after 90 h. Furthermore, Raji cells treated with IgG1-N2A showed evidence of apoptosis, including increased ethidium bromide uptake, cell shrinkage and chromosomal DNA degradation.