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Enhancement of Recombinant Antibody Expression Level by Growth Controlled Medium
Transient expression system is very widely used for protein expression including recombinant protein expression. Normally, in the commercially available expression system, cells were grown rapidly in protein expression. However, over cell growth was not only unnecessary for high level protein expression, but also induced cell death and led to protein degradation.
Aims and Objectives:
To overcome these limitations a new adapted culture method needs to be developed.
In this work, we developed growth control medium for transient high protein expression system using NPLAd (Non-Protein and Lipid Medium Adopted) cells. With this system, cell numbers were not increased until 10 days.
Our results indicated that expression level in NPLAd system was 1.8 times higher than that in Free style system, which was one of the commercially available high expression systems.
The antibody performance expressed by NPLAd system was almost the same to that of expressed by Free style system. The results suggested that NPLAd system could be useful for protein expression, such as recombinant antibody.